Bill of Materials

Part List

The total cost for building a BearCart from the listed items below is around $250. Although, you can always find cheaper replacement for pretty much every single item in the list.

Item Description Qty. Unit Price
MEW4 1/16 RC Car Powered by brushed 390 motor 1 $98.88
Raspberry Pi 51 SBC for running AI autopilot and other Python scripts 1 $60.00
RPi Camera V22 Eye of the BearCart, 8-megapixel 1 $12.50
Camera Cable3 200mm 22 pin to 15 pin 1 $1.20
Raspberry Pi 27W Power Supply Delivers a maximum of 5.1V, 5A to RPi 5 1 $13.60
Micro-HDMI to Standard HDMI Cable Connect monitor to RPi 5 1 $5.56
MicroSD Card 64GB, U3, A2 1 $11.27
Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller listens to RPi commands and controls drivetrain 1 $5.00
Micro USB Cable Micro-USB to USB-A, data capable 1 $2.67
QUICRUN 1060 ESC4 60 Amp continuous current and a 6V3A BEC integrated 1 $21.99
Wireless Game Pad5 Bluetooth 1 $19.99
Adjustable Buck Converter6 6V - 32V to 1.5V - 32V 1 $12.49
Lever Wire Splitter 2-in, 4-out 1 $1.59
T-Plug Connector One pair of male and female, bridges battery and ESC 1 $1.60
Male JST Plug Connector Wires Connect voltage converter and RPi 1 $0.33
Female JST Plug Connector Wires Connect voltage converter and RPi 2 $0.33
Dupont Jumper Wires, Male to Female Connect Pico and drivetrain 4 < $0.1
Dupont Jumper Wires, Male to Male Connect Pico and drivetrain 4 < $0.1
M2*15 Female Standffs Attach Pico to the bed 4 < $0.1
M2*6 Screws Secure units 14 < $0.1
M2 Nuts Secure units 6 < $0.1
M2.5*15 Male-Female Standoffs Lift PCBs up 8 < $0.1
M2.5 Nuts secure screws and standoffs on the bed 16 < $0.1
M2.5*6 Screws Attach PCBs to the bed 12 < $0.1
M2.5*16 Screws Attach wire splitter to the bed 2 < $0.1
3D Printed Bed Hosts above components 1 ~ $1.21
3D Printed Camera Mount Holds RPi camera 1 < $0.1

1: 8GB RAM and accessories are optional

2: V1, V3 or V4 cameras are fine

3: Don't be tricked by the Display Cable

4: Electronic speed controller. Other brands and products are OK, but make sure the unit DOES NOT have radio receiver (antenna) integrated.

5: Any generic gamepad on the market should work. Get a bluetooth one if you want your BearCart and the gamepad to be one-on-one tethered (You'll want this when you are managing multiple BearCarts).

6: Get a dedicated DC-DC Buck converter with 5V/8A output, if not interested in monitoring the battery health or need more space on the board.


We recommend beginners to connect following peripherals to the Raspberry Pi. For advanced users/developers, they are optional.

Item Requirement Qty.
Monitor Has HDMI port 1
Keyboard USB connector 1
Mouse USB connector 1